Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Difference between Power Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga

With time different forms of yoga have evolved, each with a unique set of benefits. Mostly the forms differ from each other on the basis of what poses and breathing techniques are involved and the style of performing them.

One of the most recently developed forms of yoga is Power yoga in which an energetic and fitness focused approach is followed to do Vinyasa yoga. However, the approach taken in power yoga is similar to Ashtanga yoga; hence, power yoga is often confused with Ashtanga. However, unlike Ashtanga in which a single routine of postures is followed, in power yoga the routines vary significantly and solely depend upon what the instructor chooses to include in accordance to the needs of the practitioners.

Both of these forms have certain similarities and differences and are equally beneficial in their own respective manner. However, sometimes for practitioners it becomes important to clearly understand the differences between the two forms so that they do the style they need to do in accordance to their requirements.

Below are mentioned some common differences between power yoga and Ashtanga yoga that can help practitioners to distinctly identify one from other.

•    Ashtanga yoga follows a set series of postures that remains same each time, and every practice session has the exact same routine. Having the same routine helps practitioners to do the whole session in one flow and without much thought, to master a well thought out series of postures.

In Power yoga, each and every session brings something different to its practitioners. Introducing new poses every single time helps practitioners to learn new postures and makes them habitual of facing new challenges.

•    Ashtanga yoga translates the Patanjali yoga sutra’s eight limbs of yoga through its routine that includes the learning of postures, meditation, breath control, self-awareness, control of senses, universal morality, self-observance and union with the divine.

Power yoga mainly incorporates the physical postures and links them with different breathing techniques. Although, power yoga have many postures carried from Ashtanga yoga but the order and pace at which they are performed differ from Ashtanga yoga. In comparison to Ashtanga yoga, power yoga involves more movement and its sessions proceed at relatively quicker pace.

When yoga practitioners move towards becoming yoga teachers, knowing the subtle differences becomes more important. While power yoga is mostly practiced and taught in United States, where the style was first introduced, Ashtanga yoga is among the most practiced forms in India. Aspirants from around the globe take their Ashtanga yoga teacher training in India. However, people more interested in power yoga can also begin their journey by learning Vinyasa yoga in India, which will be helpful in learning power yoga.

Therefore, before you decide to opt for a yoga course, it is advisable to know the demands of each form and the benefits accrued so as to make an informed decision and enjoy the learning process.

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